Recycle to make Art

We all know recycling is the right thing to do. It helps to save energy, preserves natural resources and wildlife, and reduces our carbon footprint.

How can we help to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle?
These are some simple methods I follow in my day to day life and try to make a difference in my small way .
  1. I avoid disposable goods, such as paper plates, cups, napkins, razors, and lighters. Throwaways contribute to the problem, and cost more because they must be replaced again and again.
  2. I reuse grocery bags or bring my own cloth bags to the store. I do not  take a bag from the store unless I need one.
  3. I try to give away old clothes, appliances, toys, and furniture to the needy.
  4. I use the front and back of paper.
  5. In my school I try to make craft items with throwaway items like cups, cans, ice cream sticks gift wrapping paper etc.

Some easy Crafts to do in Class




Schools are great places to educate about recycling, we need to catch them young and educate them about Global warming and the harmful effects it has on the environment.
Recycle crafts for kids can be a valuable tool of entertainment and distraction after a long school day. These crafts cost almost nothing to make and you can use materials from around the house.

 Germination of seeds in disposable egg cartons

This will be such a multi dimensional learning experience. Planting seeds in a disposable egg carton. You can go one step further and gets kids to paint it.IMG_1489

Pencil holder – recycled toilet roll

Using toilet roll or tin cans you can make a pencil holder. It can be an animal or just anything the child wishes to make.


 So on World Environment Day take a pledge with Sweetannu to Recycle, Reduce, Reuse to make make our world a greener cleaner place to live in. 


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